The Perfect Fast To Help Decrease Stress This Holiday Season


The holidays are right around the corner. Some of my neighbors prematurely decorated their houses with Christmas lights and put up their Christmas trees (insert eye roll). Others are still taking down the spider webs and caution tape from Halloween…

Then, there are people like me who are 100% embracing the fact that the holidays are not ‘happening’ full force this year.

Whether you blame it on the pandemic, the election, or cabin fever… we are BURNT THE F OUT. I think we should take a “rest & digest” approach to the holidays this year and finally turn the SURVIVAL MODE switch to OFF.

——>It’s the perfect time for a fast!<——

No, no, no. I’m not talking about a fast from food, drinks, or even alcohol. You know I am not a fan of fad-diets, fasts, or any extreme measures that will leave you feeling more lost and depleted than when you started.

——>I’m talking about a social media fast!<——

Social media multitasking is depriving us of our solitude and ability to compartmentalize. We need to get back to a place where we can enjoy one action at a time instead of living two lives; 50% in person and 50% through our social feeds. Our brains can only focus on so many things at once!! It’s no wonder we can’t unwind.

We’re all guilty of it! Mindlessly scrolling through our social feeds during our lunch breaks, during our commutes, while eating dinner, while watching tv, while exercising, while spending time with friends/family… realistically, during everything we do.


1 step at a time! Here are some ideas:

—->#1 STOP SCROLLING WHILE EATING. If it’s a meal time, put your phone away and focus on what you’re eating. This is a positive method utilized with intuitive eating that will help us get back in tune with our hunger and satiety cues & even help us manage our weight this holiday season.

—->#2 SILENCE NOTIFICATIONS. Do you really need a notification from Instagram to let you know Marybeth784 liked your photo from 2019? No, you don’t. Silencing notifications from social apps will give you more control over your social media use. When you open apps on your own time & check notifications all at once you will spend less time there instead of opening at each notification.

—->#3 CHILL WITH THE SOCIAL MULTITASKING. Give your phone a rest. Seriously, put it away when you’re not actually using it. Watching a show? Hanging with your boyfriend? Working on a project for work? Doing an at-home workout? Going on a hike a friend? Put the phone in your pocket, your purse, or another room if you can.

(The amount of times you reach for it or feel its void will make you realize how accustomed you’ve gotten to social multitasking)

That’s it! My 3 simple tips to help us all ‘rest & digest’ this holiday season. No extreme fasts over here, you know I’m all about moderation :-) Do you have any other tips that will help us unwind this holiday season??

XOXO Your favorite RD,