All You Need To Know About The #1 Rated Diet of 2020


The Mediterranean Diet has won Best Diet for the third year in a row by US News and World Report’s 2020 ranking of best diets. The Mediterranean diet isn’t only ranked best for health benefiTs… It also ranked the best among balance, maintainability, palatability, family-friendliness, and sustainability.

I’m going to fill you in on a little secret. The Mediterranean diet isn’t actually a diet at all… it’s a lifestyle! No need to count calories or weigh your food, the Mediterranean way means trusting your instincts regarding hunger and satiety, while embracing a variety of flavors and food groups.

The Mediterranean lifestyle has been studied for years and years because people in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea (Greece, Italy, France, Spain, etc.) tend to live longer, healthier, lives with lower rates of heart disease and cancer than Americans.

The Mediterranean secret to success includes an active, social, lifestyle along with a diet low in red meat, sugar, and saturated fat. The Mediterranean way puts less emphasis on red meat and poultry than the traditional American diet with a big emphasis on whole grains, vegetables, fruit, beans, seafood, and healthy fats.

Some of the lifestyle factors include eating fish and seafood at least twice a week, poultry, cheese, eggs, and dairy in moderation, while indulging in sweets and red meat in moderation. The Med lifestyle embraces red wine consumption (if you wish) for women: 1 glass per day and men: 1-2 glasses per day. There is also emphasis on socialization during mealtimes, and an active lifestyle!

Some of the proven benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle include:
weight loss, heart health, brain health, cancer, and diabetes prevention and diabetes control.

We could all benefit from the many perks and preventative effects the Mediterranean eating style brings. Here are some tips to incorporate some of these benefits into your life!

  • Less Saturated Fat.. More Mono and Polyunsaturated Fats

    • Drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Instead of Butter

    • Incorporate more healthy fats like nuts, avocados, olives, & fish

    • Consume dairy products in moderation

  • Reduce Red Meat Consumption

    • Save $$ with protein packed black beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. to supplement your meals

    • Rinse canned beans to reduce sodium

  • Eat more fish and seafood

    • Try for 2 or more times per week

      • Fish is easy to prepare for a quick meal and contains omega 3 fatty acids and protein

  • Consume poultry in moderation (chicken and eggs)

    • New recommendations for eggs: people with healthy cholesterol levels can consume up to 2 eggs/day

    • Partake in Meatless Mondays to practice some new dishes in the kitchen

  • Fiber is our Friend

    • Load up on Fresh (or frozen) Fiber-rich Fruit and Vegetables

      • Which are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants

      • The more variety in color, the better!

    • Get familiar with whole grains & how to cook them!

      • Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Bulgur, Corn, Farro, Oats, Quinoa, Rice, Rye, Wheat

  • More Whole Foods

    • & Less convenience and packaged foods

    • Season your dishes on your own with herbs, spices, roots like ginger and turmeric, and citrus to reduce sodium consumption

  • Get Moving

    • In a way that works best for you!

    • Walk, Jog, Lift Weights, Dance, Play Sports, Hike, Bike.. the options are endless!

    • General Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults:

      • 2-3 Hours of moderate-intensity cardio per week OR 1-2.5 Hours of vigorous-intensity cardio per week

        • 30 mins (moderate) 4-6 times per week OR 30 mins (vigorous) 2-5 times per week

      • Along with: Strength Training of major muscle groups 2 or more days per week

Check out this website with a great visual of a Mediterranean pyramid, which looks oh-so different than the food pyramid I remember from grade school! Let me know if you have any questions or comments about the Mediterranean lifestyle! XOXO

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