Fueling For Fitness: What to Eat Before & After Workouts


It’s a question I am asked all the time… “What should I eat before and after I workout?”

I have some tips to help you build pre & post workout snacks/meals That will ensure you get through your workouts and have enough fuel to recover effectively!


Contrary to popular belief: Carbs are not the enemy… they’re more like the superhero!

Carbohydrates are our bodies’ main fuel source. When we consume carbs, our body either breaks them down into sugar for immediate use of energy, or they are stored in muscles & the liver as glycogen for later energy use.

The more intense your workouts are, the more carbohydrates your body will need before you workout. Choose whole grain, fiber-rich sources of carbohydrates for lasting energy that will promote heart health, digestive health, and weight maintenance.

Carb sources include: any prepared grains (oats, barley, rye, wheat), bread, rice, pasta, crackers, tortillas, fruit, starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes, corn)

Protein plays an important role in muscle repair & recovery. Protein consumption before your workout ensures the right amino acids are available for your muscles during your workouts.

Protein sources include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, beans, chickpeas, seeds, nut butters, protein powders, BCAAs

It’s okay to have some fat in your pre-workout snack, but you don’t want to go overboard. This can cause GI discomfort while exercising.

A balanced pre-workout snack includes mostly carbohydrates & some protein.

Pre-workout examples:

  • whole grain toast (c) with nut butter/avocado/cheese/eggs (p)

  • oatmeal (c) with nut butter (p) & berries (c)

  • roasted potatoes (c) with an egg or cheese (p)

  • fruit (c) with string cheese/nut butter (p)

  • crackers (c) with hummus (p)

  • protein shake (c+p)

Fueling up 1-3 hours before your workout is your best bet so your body has time to digest before your workout!


Be sure to eat a balanced snack or meal within 1-2 hours of physical activity to help your muscles recover.

A balanced post-workout snack consists of mostly protein & carbs with some fat.

Protein is so important post-workout because it helps muscles repair and recover after exercise.

Carbs are also important in replenishing the energy that was burned during exercise.

Fat will help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K that you consume through fruits & vegetables.

Post-workout examples:

  • turkey (p) and cheese (p+f) sandwich with leafy greens on whole grain bread (c) or a whole grain tortilla (c)

  • Greek yogurt (p+f) with granola or high fiber cereal (c)

  • chocolate milk (c+p+f) and a banana (c) with nut butter (p+f)

  • protein shake (c+p) with greens, fruit (c) & a handful of nuts (f)

  • grilled chicken (p) salad with evoo (f) balsamic vinegar, vegetables, and whole grain naan (c)

Some take home tips about pre and post workout nutrition:

  • Focus on carbohydrate food sources for energy before exercise

  • Foods with protein promote muscle rebuilding and recovery before and after exercise

  • Choose whole food options over processed or packaged food options if you can

  • Remember to hydrate before, during, and after physical activity with water (aim for at least 60 ounces per day)

  • Keep some nutritious snacks in your gym bag for times when you can’t stop home or go to the store

  • Take into account the type of workout you’re partaking in before planning your pre & post meals/snacks

    **Final Note—> Nutrient needs are different for every person. The amount of carb, protein, and fat your body needs before and after exercise will be different from the amount that your family members, friends, or I may need.

    If you have questions about your specific nutrient needs, comment here or fill out a form on my contact me page! XOXO

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